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The Witches Brew of Halloween Comfort

The Witches Brew of Halloween Comfort

“Trick or Treat” – famous for the kiddies, certainly infamously rhetorical for the parents. It’s all one big trick, isn’t it? Hours of chasing the kids on foot from house to house ringing doorbells, dealing with overly-sugared faces, and worse yet, getting the paint off their faces. A Halloween dressed up or a Halloween dress down – whatever your style, you need to be comfortable. And we all know that starts with those pretty little feet of yours. Tighten up your Therafits because it’s gonna be a long night.


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13 Magic Foods with Cancer-Fightin' Superpowers

13 Magic Foods with Cancer-Fightin' Superpowers

PInktober is all about the chestal region - but remember, we are what we eat!  What we put into our bellies affects the rest of our bodies, so we wanted to post a list of the top foods to eat to prevent (or benefit those with) breast cancer.


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We Will Survive

We Will Survive

Therafit is a woman-run company. 1 in 8 women is expected to receive a diagnosis during the course of her lifetime.

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Whether “I Must, I Must, I Must Increase My Bust!” was your teenage (or current) mantra, or you can’t stand the way your boobs make you look pregnant when you wear flowy shirts, we can all agree that breasts indeed are beautiful. No matter the shape, size, sagginess, or scarring – our breasts deserve a medal of honor, and in light of that, here are  7 amazing things to know about breasts.

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    Timeless Fashion

    Timeless Fashion

    Iris Apfel – whether you’ve heard of her or not, now you will. She’s officially my future style icon, and will probably be yours after this post, too. At 92 years young she is considered a tip top fashion icon, “the grand dame of accessories” and “a rare bird of fashion” (she’s always described as that) - but she’s “not some empty-headed fashionista”.


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    Recipe: Raw, vegan, gluten-free  Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars with Gingerbread Crust

    Recipe: Raw, vegan, gluten-free Pumpkin Cheesecake Bars with Gingerbread Crust

    Whether you're a raw foodie or not, these bars from Raw Fragrant Vanilla Cupcake look OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE.


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    Girl Stuff

    Girl Stuff

    Okay ladies – if you’re older than 12, you’ve been there.

    The surprise, and maybe even pride, that came with the physical and emotional ride into womanhood – the cramps, the bad moods, the tears (SO MANY tears – and for no reason, it always seems), the bloating; but also, the creativity, the intuition, the sensitivity, and the magical power that is being a woman. 

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    Practice Makes Perfect

    Practice Makes Perfect

    The petite brunette with killer abs who just won the women’s first place is just slightly sparkling with sweat as she stands with her family when I come into our pop-up shop at the UPS 5K benefiting United Way on Saturday morning. I was completely soaked in rain, as I had finished in twice the amount of time the winner had, and the sky had managed to turn into a giant hose spraying all of us slow-pokes down.


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    Alexa says, 'Bienvenidos a Miami"

    Alexa says, 'Bienvenidos a Miami"

    Sleeker, Sexier, Softer. Rounded curves, brilliant color, and native to Miami - and no, ladies, we’re not talking about J.Lo. She’s smart, she works hard, and she’ll be the best you ever had – treating you right on the streets and at home.

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    You Can Still Be Classy and Have Tattoos

    You Can Still Be Classy and Have Tattoos

    Only the second contestant in the history of the Miss America Pageant to be in the military, Miss Kansas, Sgt. Theresa Vail, is breaking down all the stereotypes.

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    I'm A Girl, But I Love Football

    I'm A Girl, But I Love Football

    Spotlight Blog Contributor: Rochelle Weinstein - author of What We Leave Behind and recently released "The Mourning After", mother, avid journal writer, former music executive and true philanthropist.  Rochelle bares it all for us on Mind.Body.Sole.

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    Recipe: Avocado Vanilla Smoothie

    Recipe: Avocado Vanilla Smoothie

    The last few days of warm weather may be winding down for most of the world, but here in the Sunshine State we still have plenty more. Know what else we have plenty more of? AVOCADOES.

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    Who Knew a Pair of Shoes Could Change the World?

    Who Knew a Pair of Shoes Could Change the World?

    For the whole month of September, Therafit Shoe has teamed up with Elisabeth Rohm, author, activist, and actress (best known for her role in 'Law & Order"), as well as the Red Cross for our biggest charity partnership to date - $20 off for you to keep when you buy a Red Deborah, and an additional $20 goes back to the Red Cross. By purchasing a pair of Red Debs, you’re not only buying the “most comfortable walking shoe”  but actually helping the Red Cross help millions of people across the world (see where your money goes)!


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    Walk Your Walk with United Way

    Walk Your Walk with United Way

    With the launch of our Alexas, we decided it was time to put them to good use, and what better way than to walk our walk. 

    We all know the health benefits of walking – maintains body weight, improves blood pressure, even enhances mental well-being – so what if you could walk with a couple hundred of your friends and raise money for a cause?

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    Feelin' the Backside Burn in a 5 minute workout!

    Feelin' the Backside Burn in a 5 minute workout!

    A 5-minute butt workout, say what?

    Okay, so it’s back to school, back to routine, back to khakis and bye to short shorts - but that doesn’t mean it’s not time to bring sexy back either. And we’ve all got five minutes to work on our backside – we spend more time than that channel surfing, and that’s only in between our favorite shows!

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    Summer Camp for the Big Kids (that means us!)

    Summer Camp for the Big Kids (that means us!)

    From Yellowstone to Space Camp, it isn’t just the kiddies who get to have fun. Summer may be winding down, but you can still wear white until Labor Day (find out why here), so the fun’s not over yet. Take advantage of the long weekend, unplug (even though March 2, National Day of Unplugging is months away), and check out Daily Candy’s slew of Adult Summer Camps.

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    Quinoa and Smoked Tofu Salad for Labor Day Picnic

    Quinoa and Smoked Tofu Salad for Labor Day Picnic

     This Labor Day – take something a little eclectic to the picnic. Huffington Post shares a delicious Quinoa and Smoked Tofu Salad that will smash that mayonnaise-covered potato salad off the table (and your hips).

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    Fatkini's in Season

    Fatkini's in Season

    Summer may be winding down, but it’s still hot as heck out there and that means it’s still time to wiggle into that itty bitty bikini – unless your Gaby Gregg, plus-size fashion blogger who has teamed up with swimsuitsforall to create a young, trendy, out of this world (galaxy prints galore!) collection for the larger ladies.

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    Straight Talk - Why Proper Posture Counts

    Straight Talk - Why Proper Posture Counts

    Good posture isn’t just for good girls with white flowered lace roll-over socks anymore – studies and more studies have shown that correct posture can reduce muscle pain, joint strain, and headaches – but did you know posture is connected to your emotional health as well?

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    Who Has Time For A 30-Minute Workout? YOU!

    Who Has Time For A 30-Minute Workout? YOU!

    We get it – Therafit’s a women-run company, remember?

    Between picking up the kids from school, soccer practice, and the dentist’s office, 

    between leaving the office and heading to your next meeting,
    between studying for the MCATS and working the nightshift,

    whatever phase of your life you’re in, being a lady isn’t easy, and fitting in time for a workout often seems like mission impossible.

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    Surviving a Summer Music Festival

    Surviving a Summer Music Festival

    From 1969's infamous Woodstock to the following year's Glastonbury, summer sun and outdoor music festivals have had a beautiful love affair, however it's often a different story when it comes to hair - and makeup, and outfits.. (okay, but at least you'll have an amazing time!)


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    Home and Office

    Home and Office

     Elite Daily takes an interesting perspective paralleling marriage and entrepreneurship.

    “The closest relationships that any person has tend to be marital and business in nature."


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    Smart Snacks in School

    Smart Snacks in School

    The new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Smart Snacks in School rule will go into effect during the 2014-2015 school year. Raising the nutritional standards to ensure that snack foods and beverages are healthy, this mandate is long overdue. Research by the Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project shows most U.S. secondary schools do not offer the option of fruits and vegetables in stores, snack bars, or vending machines.

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    High-Heeled Road To Success?

    High-Heeled Road To Success?

    Victor Chu, former footwear designer turned “stiletto whisperer” as the Post now calls him, developed Legworks, a high-heel fitness routine because, as he explains to the Post,  “Ninety-five percent of women don't know how to walk in high heels.”

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    All Aboard The Happy Train

    All Aboard The Happy Train

    Often when we think of our happiness, most of us immediately go to the things we need – whether it’s financial, emotional, or otherwise. We feel there are holes in our lives that can be filled if only we could have this, or get our hands on that.


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    Happiness At The Office: #lifehacks at the workplace

    Happiness At The Office: #lifehacks at the workplace

    Considering many of us spend the largest portion of our day at the office, Gretchen Rubin, author of The New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project , knows a little thing or two about making our days at the desk happier. The biggest component to a cheery workday is how fulfilled you feel at your job, however there are many little things that even those of us with dream jobs can do to keep us smiling throughout the day.


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    Running a 5k: Use Your Head

    Running a 5k: Use Your Head

    There are hundreds of great and informative sites about living a healthy, active lifestyle, and now that the season of charity 5Ks is among us, Therafit thought we'd let you girls in on some of our favorite sites and articles that will get you prepped for the race.


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    Mindful Eating

    Mindful Eating

    Whether we’re hungry or just bored, eating the right foods can keep us from mindlessly opening and closing the fridge. Here are some of our favorites from fitsugar‘s top 20 appetite-suppressing foods that will keep your mind off your tummy and your hands out of the pantry!

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    Ready to take the plunge with juicing? Therafit tries it for you

    Ready to take the plunge with juicing? Therafit tries it for you

    A Therafit staffer tries a product we love, BlueprintCleanse and scores a 15% discount exclusively for Therafit Mind, Body & Sole readers!


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    What Can Laughter Do For You?

    What Can Laughter Do For You?

    Sure, it’s fun to laugh, but wouldn’t it be awesome if a hilarious joke came with a myriad of health benefits, too?

    Well, here are 12 ways laughter is great for the body – plenty of reasons to make everything a laughing matter.


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    Oscar Inspired Walks and City Tours

    Oscar Inspired Walks and City Tours

    Take a tour of these Oscar inspired cities in your favorite Therafits - don't forget to send us a postcard at #therafitshoe on Instagram or Twitter!  Hashtag #therafitshoe, #travel and #walking!

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    Sharing is Caring - How to Engage with Therafit & Social Media

    Sharing is Caring - How to Engage with Therafit & Social Media

    Photos, videos and APPS are all the rage in technology - but did you know it can lead to free merchandise, discounts and loyalty rewards from the brands you love, like Therafit?

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    12 Great Reasons to get your h20

    12 Great Reasons to get your h20

    At Therafit, the 12 hour shoes for women, we love our cafe con leche and espresso in the morning, but then it's time to switch back to the good stuff:  water.  And why not?  Check out these 12 tips on the great effects H20 can have on your body.

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    Shoes - The Soul Beneath Our Soles

    Shoes - The Soul Beneath Our Soles

    Spotlight Blog Contributor: Rochelle Weinstein - author of What We Leave Behind, mother, avid journal writer, former music executive and true philanthropist.  Rochelle is kind enough to share her life experiences and stories with us here on Mind, Body, Sole - real stories from the heart.


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    How to Get a Good Night's Sleep - Naturally

    How to Get a Good Night's Sleep - Naturally

    If you're at all like the average adult you realize that sleep is just as important as a healthy diet and exercise.  It can help with weight control, memory, mental alertness, overall wellness, and even keeps skin looking young.  At Therafit, a company promoting a healthy lifestyle for women, we know it's challenging to find the time  you need for yourself and that includes a healthy night's sleep.

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    How to Improve Your Running Technique

    How to Improve Your Running Technique

    Spring is in the air and your calendar is probably filling up with charity runs, walks and causes!  Therafit, the wellness shoe for women, wants to you stay safe, comfortable and protected while you are gearing up for a run in your community.  Check out these simple ways to improve your running technique, and enjoy a more comfortable, pain-free, and effective run.


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