Sharing is Caring - How to Engage with Therafit & Social Media

You've mastered the newest trends in fashion, fitness and fun - share your tips with Therafit!
Photos, videos and APPS are all the rage in technology - but did you know it can lead to free merchandise, discounts and loyalty rewards from the brands you love, like Therafit?
The key is to understand the vocabulary, popular APPS and search techniques to help you connect; sharing your personal style, photos, advice, blog, comments and more. At Therafit, we listen, learn and are inspired by our 'Therafitting Street Team'. It's our customers who give us our best ideas for product, promotions and community outreach. Without you we couldn't walk our walk.
Since Therafithoe is available exclusively online, we rely heavily on social sharing and engagement. Here's how to share your best Therafit moments and win!
Facebook: Everyone knows and loves the ubiqutious yearbook style social media king. In fact, many of us can't live without it. When you see a post you connect with: share, comment or like with your friends! Look for contests, video uploads, surveys, seasonal discounts and Therafit lifestyle information here. This is also our main source for updating customer service and charity details. Share your photos, wins, motivational thoughts and other positive 'Atta Girl' moments with your Therafit friends. Find us on Facebook @Therafitshoe
Twitter: Your source for quick links and fast conversation. It's only 140 characters and utilizes #Hashtags (those # words that automatically refer you to popular topics within a sentence) so updates are done multiple times per day. Read Twitter on your phone or tablet and get links to daily deals, Tweet Ups (online social chats or actual networking events), discount codes, promotions and cool links. Follow friends, guest bloggers, popular locations and hot spots. Find out about our blogs, influencers, celebrity scoop and hot trends for #fashion, #fitness, #nutrition, #healthly living, #family, #food and of course #shoes! Follow @Therafitshoe and tag your photos, reviews, photos and links to #therafitshoe.
Instagram: A photo APP available on your phone, where you can make a bad picture look great with a variety of diffferent filters. You can upload Instagram to all other sites or just save to your private files. Instgram is a sharing site, like Facebook and Twitter, but all visual. Simply take a photo (note - those kissing self portraits? Not as interesting as you might think) and upload with your creative tag. Again, use your hashtags. Favorite hashtags for Therafitting? #Therafitshoe, #fashion, #fitness, #blogger, #outfitoftheday, #mom, #comfort, #walking, #travel, #love - you get the idea!
Pinterest: A visual dream come true! Pinterest is that art board we all made in kindergarden. But now there's pictures of weddings, animals, architecture, crafts, humor, DIY, photography, travel, home decor, food & drink and anything else you can visualize! All you have to do is sign in, create a board, and start 'pinning' (imagine a glue stick and magazine clippings here) away your dreams online for everybody to see, share and follow. Follow Therafit We have style guides, product give-aways, shopping sprees, healthy kids activities, fun play, gift cards and free shoes!
YouTube: Did you know the first YouTube video in 2005 was only :19 and featured an Elephant? We've come a long way baby! You can upload any video any time right from your phone! Learn about Therafitshoe FAQ, live reviews, commercials, behind the scenes, lifestyle tips, Dr. Lisa Masterson footage, learn about what we're doing in the community and with our charity partners and show us what you're doing!
Google+: Join our circle of friends and like people with similar interests on Google. Engage in Google Hang Outs via streaming video or online chat. Learn about top trends, images, search, retail and the very fastest topics only Google can provide. Best for following Bloggers, media and people with like interests such as runners, shoe enthusiasts, fitness gurus, fashion stylists, authors, medical professionals. Follow Therafit at Therafit Shoe - Google+
Look for upcoming social media exclusive events, contests, surprises, discounts and fun promotions available on these and other social media outlets! Share your photos, stories, comments, ideas and videos! We love to hear from our Therafit street team!
Make Your Whole Body Happy Tip! Be responsible: regularly review your privacy settings before downloading and connecting APPS to your social media and cross channels. The rules change frequently and are updated all the time. It's a good idea to give yourself a good 'technology check' every few months to maintain your comfort level online.