Running a 5k: Use Your Head

There are hundreds of great and informative sites about living a healthy, active lifestyle, and now that the season of charity 5Ks is among us, Therafit thought we'd let you girls in on some of our favorite sites and articles that will get you prepped for the race.
It all begins with the meal before - what to eat before a 5k... and what not to eat. Don't let low energy levels be an obstacle to your training - the top 20 ways to boost your energy will get you started, and add another 50 ways without caffeine - that's seventy ways to up your performance (we're getting revved up overe here too)!
Here are 6 tips on running a 5k for you brave newbies - but don't pull the rookie mistake. You can't forget the importance of rest during your training- maybe opt for a nice walk insetad of a hard run evrey few training days, and find out if you've ever wondered - which walk are you?
If you're into ditching the shoes, the FAQ's for barefoot running will get you started, but whether you're breaking your limits in your Therafits or in your toes, make sure to stretch out those hard-working limbs.
And don't forget to let us know how your race went! Post a picture to our facebook @therafitshoe or tweet us how it went.
Good luck ladies!