Walk Your Walk with United Way

With the launch of our Alexas, we decided it was time to put them to good use, and what better way than to walk our walk.
We all know the health benefits of walking – maintains body weight, improves blood pressure, even enhances mental well-being – so what if you could walk with a couple hundred of your friends and raise money for a cause?
That’s the idea behind walkathons – creating a fun, casual, fitness event that brings together the community in support of an organization that often benefits members of thatsame community.
There are dozens if not hundreds of opportunities for you to get involved, especially throughout the summer and fall months. As you all know by now, at Therafit, we don’t just talk, we walk our walk – which is why we decided to become the gold sponsor for the United Way UPS 5K walk on September 7th in our sunny hometown of Miami, Florida, where we'll have a special guest ambassador, Fitz Koehler, fitness expert, speaker, and author. She's teaming up with us to produce a video on preparing to run your first 5k!
As a national organization, United Way seeks to mobilize communities to help families achieve their human potential through education, financial stability, and healthy living. Their three-tiered approach then branches out into many more, believing that factors such as strong families and supportive communities are essential to achieving all of these goals. In addition to the national campaign, Miami-Dade’s local chapter also focuses on disaster relief, a hurricane resource center, as well as a counseling hotline.
By supporting United Way, each of us is essentially supporting ourselves and rooting for our communities to be the best they can be.
You can support United Way by participating in Therafit’s United Way promotion! Use the coupon code UWAY1010 and not only get $10 off of any pair of shoes, but Therafit donates $10 back to United Way as well.
Make Your Whole Body (and community) Happy and check out Fitz Koehler's workout videos. She'll be our Ambassador
Where are YOU taking your Alexas? Let us know by twitter or sharing a story on our Facebook page!