Fatkini's in Season

Summer may be winding down, but it’s still hot as heck out there and that means it’s still time to wiggle into that itty bitty bikini – unless your Gaby Gregg, plus-size fashion blogger who has teamed up with swimsuitsforall to create a young, trendy, out of this world (galaxy prints galore!) collection for the larger ladies.
Not many women like to shop for bathing suits, and why should we? There is no woman that exists on earth who looks like any catalogue swimsuit advertisement I’ve ever seen (pssstt they’re all photoshopped!), and it has been engrained in us to accept these models as just that - models for how we should be looking in our tiny lycra. It is woman like Gaby who ignore these digitalized versions of starved humans and embrace what it is to have a real body, real curves, and certainly real attitude.
Make Your Whole Body Happy and check out Refinery29's picture slideshow here.