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Go Green for St. Patty's Day!

Go Green for St. Patty's Day!

Did you know? 1. Plastic bags take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years to decompose. 2. Only 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled in the United States. The rest end up in landfills, the ocean, or some other place in the environment. There's actually a giant garbage heap made mostly of plastic floating in the ocean that's twice the size of the United States. 3. It's estimated that 1 million birds and thousands of turtles and other sea animals die each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags. 4. More than 10 percent of washed-up debris polluting the U.S. coastline is made up of plastic bags. 5. It takes 12 million barrels of oil to produce the estimated 100 billion plastic bags Americans use each year. 6. The petroleum used to produce 14 plastic bags can drive a car one mile. Today, try not to use a plastic bag when you do your groceries!

Work-Life Workouts

Work-Life Workouts

If you're one of those folks who's slammed for time, yet still really want to make headway with your fitness training or weight loss endeavors ... fear not! It's definitely not an impossible task, as long as you work creatively and show a bit of discipline.  

5 ways to keep that heart healthy

5 ways to keep that heart healthy

Little hearts line the streets, the aisles, and the office. CVS is stacked with chocolates, teddy bears, and pink and red banners. Your internet sidebars overflow with 1-800 numbers for flower delivery services, and you know February has come. But this month it’s not just about funny e-cards and diamond bracelets, February is National Heart Disease Awareness Month.

Achy Legs? Throw out those flip-flops, high-heels, and flats

Achy Legs? Throw out those flip-flops, high-heels, and flats

Legs achy? Do they feel like giant marble-stone pillars attached to your hips? Tired, aching legs can be the result of standing on your feet for long periods of time, and while rest and periodic sitting can (certainly) help alleviate the problem, wearing footwear that does not have stability or sufficient cushioning or arch support will absolutely aggravate the issue.  

Arch and Heel and Ball of Foot Pain, Oh My!

Arch and Heel and Ball of Foot Pain, Oh My!

Did you know that we walk an average of 115,000 miles in our lifetime? With every mile we walk, we shift approximately one hundred tons (the weight of a blue whale), just to move our own body weight forward. Needless to say, your feet are kinda important – so it’s also kinda important to take care of them.

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