Work-Life Workouts

If you're one of those folks who's slammed for time, yet still really want to make headway with your fitness training or weight loss endeavors ... fear not! It's definitely not an impossible task, as long as you work creatively and show a bit of discipline.
First, if you're trying to lose weight, the most important thing for you to focus on are your eating habits. Cutting 500 unessecary calories a day is a lot easier than burning 500 extra calories a day. Find your EXACT FORMULA FOR WEIGHTLOSS here and then stick to your personalized caloric budget. When offensive office snacks come in to play like (donuts, birthday cake, baked goods or vending machine nonsense) say "no thank you" and escape to your office.
Dress casual, if you can. If your office dress-code allows it, show up in jeans and cutie Therafit sneakers. You'll be more likely to take the stairs and lunge down the hall between meetings.
Squeeze in exercise in your office, the breakroom or conference room. Squats, pushups, dips at your desk and stretches are all simple things you can do without getting super sweaty.
Pursue "Walk and Talk" meetings! Unless some serious note-taking is required, there's no reason you and your colleagues can't communicate while walking the halls of your building or down the street. Exercise sharpens cognitive skills, so you may even be more likely to come up with an innovative idea, product or service!
Go public! Make sure everyone around you knows you're on a mission to accomplish something. Outing yourself will make others less likely to offer you junk food and more supportive of your fitness endeavors.
Fit professoinals are more widely respected, so throw yourself in to that category and make those around you aware of your success.
Fitz Koehler, M.S.E.S.S. is a fitness innovator who’s taught around the globe for two decades. She’s the publisher of and founder of the Morning Mile. Check out her new core training DVD, FLIP FLOP ABS at today.