7 Reasons Babies Cry and How to Calm Them Down: Acupressure For Babies

The sound of your baby's tears can be the most heartbreaking, so we've found seven reasons babies cry and how to soothe them via babycentre. At Therafit, we're all about mommy comfort, but we know momma's can't relax unless their little ones are smiling too. Using accupressure points on your babies tiny foot, you can stimulate different parts of their bodies and trigger feel-good emotions to those areas.
You can do the same on yourself, or better yet - get your partner to do it for you!
Make Your Whole Body Happy - As a mom, be sure to take care of yourself. The calmer and more relaxed your energy is, the more patience and understanding you'll have of your baby, and the more your little one will be able to absorb all the yummy emotions you pass on.