6-steps to a salon perfect pedicure at home

Salon perfect nails at home? No need to do a double take, we're serious!
We all know it’s been one rough winter.. and now that the sun has finally drunken the snow it’s time for our little toes to greet the grass once more.
Here's a super simple 6-step recipe for giving your pretty feet the love they deserve after spending months in months in stuffy boots.
It's time to bust out those Therafit sandals and let your toes shiiiiiine on!
Easy Peasy Pedicure
1) Soak your feet! Remove any old, crusty nail polish and pour a capful of a salt-based foot soak into a basin of warm water (the bathtub will do!), submerging your feet for at least 10 minutes. The salt and warm water will help soften the skin and the cuticles.

2) Use a clipper to trim your toenails straight across, leaving just a little bit of white tip. Use a nail file to gently round the outer edges of each nail.
3) If you have one available, using a pumice stone to buff out the callused spots of your feet will make them baby soft once more, but an exfoliating scrub is definitely a must. You can find a bunch at any CVS or beauty supply store, but even using regular bath gel and mixing in some sugar will do the trick of removing any remaining dead skin on your feet. Once done, rinse with warm water.
4) Lock in that delicious moisture by rubbing in rich foot cream containing shea butter.
5) Wind tissues between the toes, and apply base coat polish.

6) Now the best part! Pick your favorite nail polish and dip the brush, wiping off the excess on the inside rim of the bottle. Place the brush in the middle of your nail at the cuticle line, and pull it towards the tip. Repeat on the sides, adding more polish if needed. Let it dry and then finish with a top coat to prevent chips.
Make Your Whole Body Happy - starting with your feet! Which color did you paint your toe nails? Do they match your Therafit sandals?
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