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Two Tear-Jerking Father's Day Letters - Keep the Kleenex close!

Two Tear-Jerking Father's Day Letters - Keep the Kleenex close!

Therafit Father and Daughter

At Therafit Shoe we're all about the girls club, but we know we wouldn't be here (literally) if it wasn't for our dads. We wanted to share two letters that touched our hearts this Father's Day - one from a dad to his daughter, and one from a daughter to her dad. We hope you enjoy as much as we did and keep the tissues nearby! <3


Clinical psychologist Kelly Flanagan’s daughter Caitlin is only 4 years old but he’s not waiting a moment longer to impart his words of wisdom onto his daughter .

This awesome dad wrote a beautiful letter that has gone viral to his little one from the makeup aisle of target – wanting to share with her that she doesn’t need to use all these products to look beautiful because all that she needs exists inside her.


Dear Little One,

As I write this, I’m sitting in the makeup aisle of our local Target store. A friend recently texted me from a different makeup aisle and told me it felt like one of the most oppressive places in the world. I wanted to find out what he meant. And now that I’m sitting here, I’m beginning to agree with him. Words have power, and the words on display in this aisle have a deep power. Words and phrases like:

Affordably gorgeous,
Flawless finish,
Brilliant strength,
Liquid power,
Go nude,
Age defying,
Instant age rewind,
Choose your dream,
Nearly naked, and
Natural beauty.

When you have a daughter you start to realize she’s just as strong as everyone else in the house—a force to be reckoned with, a soul on fire with the same life and gifts and passions as any man. But sitting in this store aisle, you also begin to realize most people won’t see her that way. They’ll see her as a pretty face and a body to enjoy. And they’ll tell her she has to look a certain way to have any worth or influence.

But words do have power and maybe, just maybe, the words of a father can begin to compete with the words of the world. Maybe a father’s words can deliver his daughter through this gauntlet of institutionalized shame and into a deep, unshakeable sense of her own worthiness and beauty.

A father’s words aren’t different words, but they are words with a radically different meaning:

Brilliant strength. May your strength be not in your fingernails but in your heart. May you discern in your center who you are, and then may you fearfully but tenaciously live it out in the world.

Choose your dream. But not from a department store shelf. Find the still-quiet place within you. A real dream has been planted there. Discover what you want to do in the world. And when you have chosen, may you faithfully pursue it, with integrity and with hope.

Naked. The world wants you to take your clothes off. Please keep them on. But take your gloves off. Pull no punches. Say what is in your heart. Be vulnerable. Embrace risk. Love a world that barely knows what it means to love itself. Do so nakedly. Openly. With abandon.

May you be constantly, infallibly aware that infallibility doesn’t exist. It’s an illusion created by people interested in your wallet. If you choose to seek perfection, may it be in an infallible grace—for yourself, and for everyone around you.

Age defying. Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is ageless. It will always know how to play and how to enjoy and how to revel in this one-chance life. May you always defiantly resist the aging of your spirit.

Flawless finish. Your finish has nothing to do with how your face looks today and everything to do with how your life looks on your last day. May your years be a preparation for that day. May you be aged by grace, may you grow in wisdom, and may your love become big enough to embrace all people. May your flawless finish be a peaceful embrace of the end and the unknown that follows, and may it thus be a gift to everyone who cherishes you.

Little One, you love everything pink and frilly and I will surely understand if someday makeup is important to you. But I pray three words will remain more important to you—the last three words you say every night, when I ask the question: “Where are you the most beautiful?” Three words so bright no concealer can cover them.

Where are you the most beautiful?

On the inside.

From my heart to yours,


And daughters certainly know how to express their love to their daddys too.


Christine Hassler, an author and life coach writes a beautiful letter to her father, and fathers everywhere for Father's Day. 


In honor of this Father’s Day, I am moved by the impact a father has on the life of his daughter. As a coach and facilitator for the past ten years, I have seen first-hand how a woman’s relationship with her dad influences every aspect of her life.John Mayer sings it well: “Fathers, be good to your daughters, Daughters will love like you do.”
My hope is this letter inspires all fathers and fathers-to-be to call yourselves forward and realize the role you play in our life. This letter is to truly celebrate what is possible between fathers and daughters — no matter what age she is.

It is never too late or too early to begin a loving relationship.

Daughters: if your father was not the Dad you wished he would be, I am sorry. You have my compassion. Take in the words of this letter and know you are so worthy and deserving. Trust you will discover great healing when you forgive and then create what you may not have had.
Do this by only being with men with generous hearts who value fathering your children and the children of the world. And by raising your sons with the strength of heart that will inspire him to be a great man and a great father.

Dear Fathers of the World,

You are the first man that I ever loved. You are my hero. Your arms were the first place where I felt so safe and protected.

The smile that comes upon your face when you see me makes me feel so cherished and adored.

Thank you for listening. Being able to be share with you and show you my vulnerability has been so important for my development as a woman. You have known when to offer me advice and when simply to wipe my tears.

Thank you for working hard to provide for me and our family. It has provided me with a sense of
security that has propelled me in creating a fulfilling foundation for my own life.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Your unconditional support of my gifts and my quirks has supported me in knowing who I truly am. Loving encouragement from you has been the wind beneath my wings.

Thank you for showing me your softer side. I know you are strong and protect me, but I also love when you show me your tears. When you reveal your emotions, I feel so special and close to you.

Thank you for your time. Seeing you at my games, recitals, graduations, and at home for dinner made me feel like a priority in your life.

Thank you for always telling me to take a sweater and be careful. Even though it was annoying, I knew it was your way of saying, “I want you to feel comfortable and safe.”

And thank you for interrogating every boy who came over. Even though it was so embarrassing, I knew it was your way of saying, “You mean the world to me.”

Thank you for being my teacher. You taught me how to ride a bike, throw a ball, open a checking account, and change a tire (or better yet gave me my first AAA card).

Thank you for not cheating. Your loyalty has helped me to be able to trust men and be drawn to healthy, loving relationships.

Thank you for being honest. I look up to you and respect your integrity. And your strong character has inspired me to value and honor myself.

Thank you for being a loving shoulder to cry on when my heart has gotten broken and a hand to high five to celebrate when I achieved a dream.

Thank you for giving me advice when I’ve needed to negotiate a deal, sign a lease, or take a leap of faith. Your wisdom is gold to me.

Most of all thank you Dad for being you. I know you that you are my Father but you are also a human being, on your own path and learning your own lessons. Even if you have not done all these things, I know in my heart you have been the perfect Father for me for you have taught me the life lessons I need to learn.

No matter what I will always love you.

And no matter how old I am, I will always be your little girl.

Happy Father’s Day.

With love,

Your daughter



Make Your Whole Body Happy - be thankful to your father for giving you life, whether he was present in yours or not - all our dads have taught us valuable lessons :) 

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