The Holiday Season is Coming - As Hostess You Get to Wear Comfortable Shoes!

‘Tis the season for holiday parties. Everyone we know is hosting one, including you.
And while you want to dress to impress at those other parties, you should give yourself a break at your own. After all, how can you keep an eye on the food and greet your guests if you’re teetering around on break-neck heels?
Those heels are going to cause a lot of problems long-term – and leave you exhausted by the end of the night. Going in the opposite direction and hosting in your slippers is just as bad for your feet. They lack the support your arches need for the long periods of standing that are ahead.
But – great news! Just because you’re giving your feet a break AND keeping an eye on the festivities doesn’t mean you must sacrifice style. Meet the shoes that are going to allow you to have your (fruit) cake and eat it, too.
Keep It Classy in Flats
For skirts and dress pants, reach for a pair of ballet flats. Is your outfit on the cute or flirty side? Try the Coco with its all-over lace design. There are four colors to choose from (including a very holiday-appropriate burgundy).

If you prefer suede, you’ll enjoy the Rio. The same support and lightweight feel, but with a solid design. And the neutral colors will match outfit after outfit to keep you comfortable long after the holiday season is over.
Stay Warm in Boots
Do you love the look of skinny pants or skirts over boots? We have you covered. Therafit has three boot models available this year, all a little bit different.

The Adrienne is our new fabric boot. Choose from gray wool, taupe fabric, or black fabric. The three choices are made with eye-catching patterned fabric.

Is leather your thing? The Euro Ankle Boot is here again! We offer three colors so you can have one pair for the holidays that can also take you on some light hikes.

For those who prefer the rugged look of suede, check out the Dakota. Each of the three colors gives you a little pop with the padded plaid collars.
Baby, It’s Warm Outside
Winter doesn’t equal cold in many states of the US. So if you’re in a warmer climate like us, you may still be in sandals.

Want some bling? The Brittany is perfect – just a little bit of sparkle so your holiday decorations are still the focus of the party.

If even a little bit of bling isn’t your thing, we have the Suzie with its classy ring detail. And did we mention its adjustable?
Protect Your Feet
High heels and party planning don’t mix well. Your feet will appreciate the break from the typical holiday garb. At the end of the party clean-up, you’ll appreciate it, too.