She Walks for Her Kids - We Walk With Her is thrilled out announce the WINNER of our first Walk Your Walk video contest: Dawn Wells.
Dawn, a writer of Bloggingmomof4 and stay-at-home mom/teacher, sumbitted her motivating video about walking her walk for her children, her family and being inspired by the special health needs required by her daughter's diagnosis of Crohn's disease. has now added Crohn's and Colitis Foundation as a national charity partner in our One Step Forward Giving Program - $1 from every purchase of any Therafit shoe will now be available in Dawn's honor! In addition, Dawn also won $500 Visa Giftcard, $500 Cash for CCFA and of course - a pair of the most comfortable walking shoes ever!
Look for more from Dawn in her walk and on Mind, Body & Sole as she represents Therafitshoe as Brand Ambassador in 2013!