3 Workouts for those of us that hate to workout

Which is worse? The gym or spanx in summer?
So what's a girl to do? One can't diet all the time - there's just too much temptation. Even a sushi roll can pop a button if you don't watch out! So your friends at Therafit have devised a plan for those of us that hate to workout. (For the record: it's not the wisest plan. It's not the best plan and no - this is not the plan for losing those 10 pounds before your cousin's wedding or getting bikini ready; for that you will want to Move Like Jagger)
Make TV Marathons Work for You: We're serious. 20 minutes of squats, floor work and isolated ab exercises like Denise Autisn's awesome office chair workout, can just as easily be done during a every commercial break between a nice DVR session of Masterpiece Theater as finding your way to that dreary place with the boom boom music, spray bottle etiquette and high tech beach balls.
Wear More Comfortable Shoes: You will walk more. It's a fact. Dr. Lisa Masterson, Therafit co-developer and Emmy Award winning cast member of The Doctors, says that studies by the University of Wisconsin shows that wearing high heels decreases your calorie burn by up to 5lbs annually! If you wear more comfortable shoes you will be more physically active throughout your day. That means: walking to work/lunch, taking the dog out longer, playing more with your kids - whatever if you can move, skip the heels, move your tush. Put your keys away.
We Hope You Dance: Whenever, where ever and always say yes if someone else asks. No matter what they look like or how tall they are. Repeat: I like to move it, move it. Update your playlist, bring your headset with you in the kitchen, shake your bootie(yet another reason to wear comfortable shoes).
Make Your Whole Body Happy Tip: For serious 'I hate the gym' moments, get wet! Swimming is the best exercise to work off stiff muscles and joints. You can get aerobic, stretch, float and roll around. For more healthy and motivating tips follow us @Therafitshoe !