Improving Your “Function” in 2016

A good foundation is the beginning of a new, more successful you. And it all starts with a good mental outlook; positive energy coming from within; and a desire to function in a healthier and more active way.
Let us help by supporting you. Our new, functional women’s foot orthotics recently added to our product line can give you the added support you need.
The contour of our new orthotic provides arch support in a way that induces better performance in your foot. And the enhanced heel support controls the way your heel stabilizes within your sneakers or casual shoes while the deep heel cup complements the features of the Personal Comfort System.
All of this leads to improved function in your ankles, knees, and hips. When these areas move together as a unit, it provides your upper body with the rhythm it needs for better balance and more coordination.
Why Does it Matter?
All human structures are connected via soft tissue, bones, muscles, nerves, circulation, and much more. When muscles contract from a position that is anatomically compromised, the ankles, knees, and hips are all affected.
When your legs aren’t functioning well in the kinematic chain, symptoms of fatigue and pain occur. If you have fallen arches or high arches, your Iliotibial band (the strong, fibrous band that runs along the outside of the knee) may become torqued and cause you to lose function. A common area of pain, Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful knee condition that can also lead to hip pain and even back pain.
Our new foot orthotic is designed to help you correct your posture so you are not compromised, whether standing, walking, or running.
Support Leads to Better Function
Support your heel in a more anatomically correct position with Therafit. Go FUNCTIONAL, the Therafit way.