If you want to go Around the world in a pair of sandals...

I love love love going on adventures. Seeing different cultures, different ways of living; eating and experimenting new foods; hearing entirely unknown sounds come out of the locals’ mouths; everything is different when you travel – except for the tiny limited allotted space that’s supposed to house everything you’ll be wearing for these LIFE-CHANGING, EYE-OPENING, PERSPECTIVE-RECONSTRUCTING moments (and trying to figure out how many pairs of shoes will fit...)
Ugh, packing sucks. I am a notorious over-packer – I’ve been working really hard to minimize what I lug around with me, so I tend to use a carry-on as my main bag, then stuff it so tight me and multiple friends have to sit on it, then utilize my yoga breathe and yoga muscles to just get that thing to close!
Traveling isn’t always beaches and bikinis (although I'd never turn a trip like that down!). Walking through the airport alone can wear out your lower back before you’ve even arrived at your gate. So packing a flimsy pair of rubber flip-flops isn’t even an option for your feet before you’ve taken off. There are the beautiful hikes you’ll be taking, the tree-lined moonlight streets you’ll be jaunting, and the various children you’ll be chasing after. HOW CAN ONE SUITCASE, LET ALONE ONE PAIR OF SHOES, SUFFICE?
And then along came the Venice, and the Paris, and the Tiffany, and the Carly, and OH MY GOSH I can get rid of my suitcase entirely and just bring my passport.
Wanderlust knows no end when your feet are comfy. You can go farther, higher, deeper into the moment because you’re not thinking about your damned blistered feet.
And let’s just iiiimagine that we’re strolling along Paris’s west bank with our hunky beloved in hand… now raise your other hand if you see yourself in this picture with giant clunky thick-strapped Velcro sandals. ALL OF YOU HAD BETTER KEEP THAT HAND DOWN because Therafit’s sandal line will obviously have your feet smiling, but that beautiful silhouette of your body will not be hampered by freakin’ backpack straps on your feet. So you can go on skipping along the Seine in your marvelous long skirt with love twinkling in your eyes and be confident and comfortable.
These sandals have the Arc de Triumph built into them!! Seriously, your arches feel like they are resting on priceless, historical, and all-out glamorous architecture. Your heels are having a ball in the deep heel cups of the shoes, like they’re sipping champagne in a bubbly tub with a view of the Eiffel Tower.
Next time you’re trying to decide what to pack, LEAVE EVERYTHING. Except for your Therafit sandals. Lighter luggage, and I’m sure your husband won’t mind you in limited clothing but sexy shoes ;)
Now I don’t play the tables, but this is a bet I’ll stand behind.
Make Your Whole Body Happy (and your travel companions too) and go get yourself a pair. For real.
Arielle is a yoga teacher and world traveler. She knows all about the body, and even more about the perils of packing.
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