A personal note during this time because we’ve never shared this before...

We're a family business.
It's a strange time to share that, but these last few weeks, it feels like all masks everywhere are coming off.
I'm Arielle, Therafit's Director of Content, but also our founder's daughter. My sister works with us too — she's usually the one responding to your questions and messages across social media. We've watched Therafit go from an idea and some logo sketches to a full operation and a warehouse filled to the brim with brand new shoes. There are now thousands of women who experience less back, knee, and foot pain because we exist, and that's the only thing we need to know to keep us going. Come into our office and you'll meet the ops team — all women, all powerful.
Most of the time, I live in New York City. Two weeks ago, I packed a small bag and came back home to Florida, where Therafit is based. I left everything behind because to get through these uncertain times, I knew I needed to be with my family.
I'm sharing all of this with you today because you are family too. Whether you've been there with us from the beginning, or have just recently joined this journey, we're only here because of you. Our team shows up every day because of your support, and it is our greatest pleasure to know that we get to support you too.
Some of you are at home with no one around to talk to, others are stuck inside with small children, and still others are on the front lines of this crisis, working in pharmacies, hospitals, supply chains, and services giving everything you have to keep the rest of us safe.
These next few weeks are going to look different. Everything’s already different — the world has changed, but it's not so much changing us as much as it is revealing us; who we are, how we show up. So we wanted to take this moment to reveal ourselves to you in the hopes that we can better serve as a pillar of support during these times. We'll be sharing ideas and activities you can do at home here and on our blog, and hopefully inspiring you to continue movin' and groovin' at home (or out on a walk, if that's still allowed where you are) while we get through this. Our team, and of course, our shoes, are here to help.
We're all in this together, and it's worth repeating. We're all in this together.
If there’s anything specific you’d like us to write about or that you’d like to see from us, hit the reply button and let us know. We’re listening.
With love, a virtual hug, and clean washed hands,
Arielle and the Therafit team